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Volume 32, No. 4 – April 2019

The President’s Message:

Patrick Falci made a return engagement in March to the Round Table and presented a wonderful program called Generals and Their Horses.  He vividly brought history to life as he told engaging vignettes about five Generals including A.P. Hill.  Once again General Hill dressed in his grey uniform and red battle shirt evolved before our eyes.  We could almost see him charging into battle on his steed.  The interactive performance was dynamic and riveting.  Well done.

Gerridine LaRovere

April 10, 2019 Program:

The April speaker will be Charles Riley and the topic is The Battle of Olustee.  Mr. Riley has been an avid follower of the Civil War since childhood.  He participated in reenactments with the 2nd Florida Regiment, CSA, for six years.  Upon retiring as a Special Agent for the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Mr. Riley taught history at Eastern Florida State College from 2005 to 2015.  He was awarded the Francis Edelman Graduate Teaching Award at FAU.

March 7, 2019 Program:

Robert Schuldenfrei could not make this meeting and therefore, no notes were taken so as to create a synopsis.    We will use this space for some interesting topical materials.  Test Your EI (Equine) Quotient

Match the rider with the horse that he rode during the Civil War.  The answers are on the back page.

1. George Meade         a. Lookout

2. W.T. Sherman          b. Daniel Webster

3. George McClellan    c. Baldy

4. Stonewall Jackson    d. Renzi

5. Phil Sheridan            e. Billy

6. Joe Hooker              f. Old Sorrell

7. George Thomas       g. Lexington

Photographic Innovations During the Civil War

Although the Mexican War was the first war to be photographed, it did not compare to the sheer scope of the coverage during the Civil War.  These are some of the advances made during those years.

  Maps were reproduced by photography
  Documents were photographed for the first time.
  Military men served as staff photographers.
  Civilians were also hired to take pictures.
  Railroad cars were used as a studio and dark room.
  Terrain was photographed for military purposes.
  Pictures were taken to show the effectiveness of artillery shells.
  Extensive pictures of casualties.
  Photographs were sold to raise money for the wounded.
  Photographs were sold to raise funds to educate freed slaves.
  Photos were sold to raise money for orphaned children of soldiers.
  Pictures were taken of executions.
  Pictures were made of ships and prison camps.
  After the war photos were sold to get money for the interment of Confederate dead.
  Disabled soldiers often sold photos of themselves as a means of support.
  Photos were used in pension applications to document wounds.

Some of this information is from an article by William Gladstone.

Answers to the quiz:



McClellan—Daniel Webster

Jackson—Old Sorrell





Last changed: 03/22/19